Historical Note on Fat Fasting

(Old material modified from the KetoAF Facebook group -- see KetoAF: not what you think! for an index of the Facebook posts.)

"Fat fasting" was coined by Atkins as a short-term tactic for the "metabolically resistant". In its basic form it is 1000 calories a day at 75-90% fat.

Here is what he said about it in Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution.

Obviously, I don't agree with all of it, but I think it's of interest here, because he's essentially using the very high fat ratios in combination with frequent meals to induce higher satiation.

Fat fasting can be useful in short, limited bursts, and I intend to do another post on when and how I would do it. The most important differences to Atkins' idea here would be a) avoid dairy unless you're very sure it doesn't interfere for you b) don't count calories, just eat as much fat as you need to stay energised, but keep incident protein as low as possible c) stop when you get signs of protein hunger.